case study

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Data Driven Product Management by Lior Zadicareo (StarVision)
6:45 AM06:45

Data Driven Product Management by Lior Zadicareo (StarVision)

We would like to think of Product Management as a scientific process. A process that relies on facts and data, empirical observations of real world phenomena and rational analysis. Product Management is at the heart of every innovation effort, but one of the challenges around innovation is turning it from an idea into reality and still keep the innovation focused and useful.

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Building a framework-based product management job architecture by Greg Prickril (Prickril Consulting)
6:45 AM06:45

Building a framework-based product management job architecture by Greg Prickril (Prickril Consulting)

Defining the right product management roles and advancement path is critical to building a high-performance product management organization. Here used the ISPMA framework to define a comprehensive approach to defining job descriptions, a competency model and a job architecture.

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