Deep Customer Empathy – Your Anchor in a Volatile Market Environment
Date & Time: 03 SEPTEMBER 2020, 17:00 - 17:45 CEST
Speaker: Barbara Hoisl,
What This Webinar is About
Tools for identifying and understanding target customer segments have evolved significantly over the last years. From classic segmentation based on demographic or firmographic criteria, the software industry has transitioned to user roles, we started using personas, and most recently, we strive to understand jobs-to-be-done of our customers and users.
Each of those concepts provides a deeper level of customer understanding and customer empathy. Deeply understanding our target customers pays off especially in times of change. It allows us to flexibly and quickly adapt to a volatile environment, for example by creating special bundles, pricing, or promotion campaigns that are successful because they resonate with customers.
Get an overview on tools for developing customer empathy: from classic segmentation to user roles, personas, and jobs-to-be-done
Understand how a deeper level of customer empathy can help to successfully adapt to changes in the market, while preserving consistency with longer-term strategies and product vision
Barbara is a consultant and trainer, specializing in software-based business models, software business strategy, and software-based product innovation. She draws on more than 25 years of direct, first-hand experience in the global software industry, including 14 years with the software business unit at Hewlett-Packard (HP).
Her German-language reference book on strategies for vendors of IoT products was published by Springer Gabler: “Produkte digital-first denken: Wie Unternehmen software-basierte Produktinnovation erfolgreich gestalten”.
Barbara is a fellow of the ISPMA (International Software Product Management Association) and partner at, a leading provider of ISPMA-based certification training.
Barbara can be reached at, or on LinkedIn.