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Preview of SPMBoK 2.0

Practices in software product management are constantly challenged with changing business environments and software development practices. The ISPMA® software product management body of knowledge (SPMBoK) needs to reflect changed practices.

Therefore, an ISPMA® project got kicked-off in 2019 to work on SPMBoK2.0. The new version will provide an evolution of the reference framework and the foundation level syllabus. This session will provide a preview of the upcoming changes. Participants will get insights into the evolving practices of SPM and have the opportunity to provide feedback on SPMBoK2.0.

Gerald Heller works as a consultant and trainer on the topics of software product management, requirements management, and agile development. He has more than 30 years of experience in large-scale, global distributed software development. He is a partner at and a member of GI and ASQF. He is a founding member of the International Software Product Management Association (ISPMA) and currently serves as a member of the board. Gerald holds a diploma in computer science from Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen, Germany. Regularly he contributes as a speaker at international conferences.