The Pattern of Profitable Products (with Swedish guitar virtuoso Jonathan Stenson)
During the years of working with products - a pattern has emerged. The pattern of harmony. The pattern of triumph. We, at Tolpagorni have found that products generating massive success are in harmony, where strategy and execution are one. They have reached a consistency, a tune, in all operations and customer appreciation. Not unlike a musical melody. Professor Dr. Tony Gorschek has seen the same pattern. We have discussed music and looked at music composition and product architecture. We have looked at refrains and resonating focus. We have looked at the UX and the audience interaction. We have looked at organization and band constellations. Products and music have similarities.
We claim:
– Products with a soundtrack generate success.
The Product Sound Track™ Session gives you hands-on guidance in how to manage products and drive toward success. It will give you a new perspective on Product Management and how you create a number 1 hit. It will get you geared up for the challenging and changing world with a Product Sound Track™ - creating a journey to believe in.
Magnus Billgren is a Product Guy. He has been developing and rolling out products throughout the globe in different settings. But always technology-intensive products in the B2B space.
He has created products that have generated billions in turnover. Industrial tools, CRM system, Neurosurgery equipment, Telecom switches, IoT platforms, Car diagnostics, Diving gear and more. Magnus has guided Product Managers to success in different technology & market environments. Product Management tools like Value Tree®, PMA, Product SoundTrack® and Value Development Model bear his signature. He has also built and sold two IT companies (in CRM and digital communication). Magnus has done product management at ABB, the Swedish Post, Bergman & Beving and Strålfors, where he developed award-winning products.
He is the founder of Tolpagorni Product Management, one of the largest Product Management Companies in the world. He is a founding member of ISPMA. He contributes in research for Product Marketing, Business modeling, Product Planning and sits on the steering board for university projects. With an educational background in Engineering, Business, Philosophy and Industrial Design he takes on projects from holistic but yet pragmatic point of view.
He has trained thousands of Product Managers. Companies like Ericsson, Profoto, Würth, Volvo CE, Atlas Copco, IBM, Transmode, Interspiro, Vendemore are using his expertise to develop and manage technology-intensive products. Tolpagorni has consulting and speaking engagement around in the world in countries like China, UK, Italy, Switzerland, Denmark, Spain, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Finland and more.