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Agile Requirements for Software Product Managers by Andreas Birk (Software.​Process.​Management)

Agile approaches to software requirements are often focused on team level, or they are part of relatively complex methodological frameworks. This How-To-Session provides software product managers with a coherent essential requirements process on the levels of product and product line. In a highly interactive session, including a scenario-based case study, participants receive the tools for effective product requirements management.

Andreas Birk is founder and principal consultant of Software.Process.Management, committed to establishing software processes that create business value. His focus areas are Agile Requirements, Software Process Improvement, and Software Product Management.
In more than twenty-five years in the software industry and with leading applied research institutions, Andreas has built a profound understanding how software engineering contributes to sustained business success.
Andreas holds a diploma (Dipl.-Inform.) in software engineering and economics, and a PhD in software engineering (Dr.-Ing.) from Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. He is a member of ACM, IEEE CS, ISPMA, ASQF, and GI.