It is essential for products to meet the needs of the market. At avarto Systems S4M they develop parts of it together with their clients. A year ago they took a bigger initiative involving innovative ways of cooperating: The customer owns his own backlog covering the business needs and three product owners on the product side own their respective product backlog. Based on a hierarchical alignment on strategic (quarterly), tactical (monthly) and daily alignment the client hands in his business needs and a joint team translates them on short notice to user stories and running software which is continuously deployed.
The presentation or case study will focus on:
- set up of the organizations on the customer side and on the vendor side
- description of the overall end to end process coordinating 5 scrum teams.
- description of the process of UX design using a living style guide and multiple UX designers
- introduction of important artifacts like functional architecture, joint acceptance test cases
The speaker will share a few lessons learned on an agile cooperation model building a product albeit the client has only a limited market view. They would like to understand the experience from the audience to improve their model.
Bernd Götzelmann studied Physics in Würzburg and Los Angeles and got his Ph.D. concerning the theory of liquids. After being two years as a consultant in finance, he joined Bertelsmann Media Systems in 2001. Working in various positions he took over the product development of the broadcast management systems 4 years ago.