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From Unconscious Incompetence to Unconscious Competence: steps in a Journey to Excellence

From the moment you start a new job, or project, or task, to the moment when you master the skills that make you the go-to person in the organization, your competence level evolves through the 4 maturity steps defined by the two dimensions of awareness and knowledge. You start at the point of not knowing what you don't know, and finish at the point of not knowing what you know. What kind of help do you need to propel you through these steps? What actions do you need to take? In this paper we explore this journey and discuss how to move from one step to the next. Additionally, we describe a way to combine all the actions into a cohesive ecosystem of professional development support. Finally, we describe a specific example of the concept applied to the product management community of a large industrial company

About the speaker:

Franco Gatti is a senior product manager with almost 20 years of experience with ABB in several technical and management positions. Franco is currently engaged in a Product Management Excellence Journey to enhance the professional level of ABB large product management community. Franco holds a master degree in Applied Physics from the Milan State University in Italy, specializing in System Theory and Automation. Before moving to the Product Management profession, Franco spent 14 years as a Software Development Manager in the Automation business of ABB, and prior to that, five years as a software developer for business applications